Light and Hope

A sermon on the Eve of Christmas, Year ALuke 2:1-14 Christmas has come.  No need to wait any longer.  Christmas is here. For those of you old enough to reflect back, I would dare say that if you thought back there would be at least one or two Christmases that are most memorable.  Perhaps it was the last one you celebrated with someone you loved.  Perhaps it just seemed to that the Ghost of Christmas Present visited your home with brighter candles and your hearts were lighter. Down through the centuries there have been particularly memorable Christmases as well.  Indeed … Continue reading Light and Hope

Joseph’s Heritage is Joseph’s Destiny

A sermon for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year AMatthew 1:18-25 In the gospel lesson this morning we are given a rare gift – a glimpse inside the thoughts and intentions of Joseph, Mary’s husband.  From what we can tell from the text, Joseph was a law-abiding citizen, willing to follow the customs and directions of both the religious and civil authorities.  But the text tells us specifically that Joseph was a righteous man. What would a righteous man do when he discovered that the woman to whom he was betrothed was pregnant with another man’s child?  Joseph refuses to … Continue reading Joseph’s Heritage is Joseph’s Destiny

Critics and Energizers

A sermon for the Second Sunday of Advent, Year AIsaiah 11:1-10; Matthew 3:1-12 The light is growing.  The Second candle in our advent wreath has been lit.  As the light grows brighter, so should our sense of expectation.  With Mary we are expecting.  The fullness of time is almost here.  Her days and ours are almost complete.  Soon, a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us.  But not yet… This season of advent is filled with growing light, opened calendars, preparation.  Prepare the way, O Zion, your Christ is drawing near.  The readings for … Continue reading Critics and Energizers