The Politics of Christmas

A sermon for Christmas Morning, Year A This morning I want to talk to you about politics. Before you brace yourself for some harangue about Republicans and Democrats, let me clarify. I want to talk about how political readings like those we hear this morning actually must have sounded to the original audience, both the Jews of the Isaiah’s time and those to whom the Gospel and epistle lessons are addressed. The people of Israel in Isaiah’s reading were in exile. They were longing for God to restore their homeland and their capital city, Jerusalem. They were in captivity by … Continue reading The Politics of Christmas

Prophetic Hope often requires Patience

A sermon for the Third Sunday of Advent, Year A Isaiah 35:1-10; James 5:7-10; Matthew 11:2-11 Two individuals have been making headlines over the last few weeks – two men to be precise, two men who desire change, to shake up the status quo. Julian Assange, computer-hacker and founder of WikiLeaks languishes in a British jail cell awaiting arraignment on charges involving a sex-sting, charges he claims are fabricated to get him off the world stage.  Assange and WikiLeaks are responsible for creating chaos in the cause of free-speech and government transparency.  He is being equated with Guy Fawkes, among other historical figures, who sought to … Continue reading Prophetic Hope often requires Patience